Saturday 28 March 2009

Week 9-Completing the logo

During last week I managed to build the logo, but run out of time and did not manage to add materials. Therefore this is where I will start this week.

I have decided that I will used a neutral colour so that it will fit into all scenes, but still stand out from the background. Therefore I will use a silvery white colour as I fill this will contrast from all scenes well.

Firstly I started by making a very reflective material. I selected the anisotropic shader and used a specular of 200, glossiness of 10 and anisotropy of 50. When I applied this to the letters I was not completely happy as it did not stand out properly and the inside blocks of the B merged with the outer area.

To solve this I created a second material. I selected the diffuse colour of black and selected the anisotropic shader. Next I set the specular level to 70, glossiness to 50 and anisotropy to 50. Then I selected areas of the extruded splines and applied the second material to them.

At this point I felt that the letters were not deep enough and so extruded the shapes further by 20 again.
Lastly I exported the logo. Now I have created the logo I will go on to add it to the final part of ident 3.

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