Friday 17 April 2009

Easter-Changes to ident 3 part 6

I am reasonably pleased with this part so far but feel it could be improved slightly. Therefore I am going to make some alterations, firstly to the stardust.

I felt the burst of particles at the end were not that visible and decided they needed to be a bolder part of the scene to emphasize the theme of magic. For this I increased the particle rate to 500, but made it stop emitting at frame 120 leaving a 1 second for the particles to disperse to prevent the screen from becoming full and so the logo would be able to be seen.

Also, I made the stardust shoot towards the camera. To do this I changed the particle formation values of off axis to 10 with a spread of 10 and the off plane value to 0 with a spread of 180.

Afterwards I imported the hat into the scene before scaling it down so it was proportional to the rest of the content and then positioning it above the robots head. I then grouped it with the robots head so that they turned from side to side together.

The final alteration I made to this part of the ident was to make alterations to the lighting. I felt it was necessary to change the setting of the spot light as currently there was a ring of light clearly evident around the character. To resolve this I turned on far attenuation and set the start value to 80 and end value to 250. The area around the robot is still slightly lighter than the rest of the scene, however this is hardly visible. Despite altering the setting further I was unable to remove this without affecting the lighting level on the character and so will leave it as it is.

By adding these final touches I feel the animation has a better appearance and links with the other parts of this ident much better. I will now go on to make more improvements to other parts of the animation.

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