Tuesday 14 April 2009

Easter-Adaptions to ident 3 part 4

From looking at what I had done so far I felt it needed more work to make it as good as other parts of the idents. Firstly I felt it looked unrealistic as the robots head remained stationary throughout. Therefore I animated the head using auto key and the rotate tool so it moved as it did in other parts of this ident. I was careful to make sure his eyes were looking at his hand and wand as it drew in the air

I then selected each spline which acts as a path in turn and edited the vertex points to align the tip of the wand with the place where particles are being emitted from. I decided to edit the splines as I felt it would be easier that editing the arm and wand movements.

At this point I realised that there was no wizards hat in the scene and so imported it into the scene and scaled it down so that by setting the coordinates it was proportional to the rest of this ident. I then positioned it on his head.

When I watched the animation the hat remained stationary while the head turned from side to side and looked quite unrealistic. So I grouped the hat with the head so the two rotated together.
The last step was to edit the lighting to remove the sheen on the robots body which makes the screen difficult to see. I used the light lister to change the intensity value and check the shadows were being applied from the correct light sources.

I am now much happier with this part and so will leave it now.

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