Afterwards I went on to redo the bear as whilst working on this part of the ident last time parts of his body became deformed. To resolve this I merged the bear again and scaled it to the same size as the original bear. I then used the bones to make the bear in the same position as before.
When I was happy with the bears positioning I deleted the original and attached the new bear to the balloon so it was also animated.
The animation was good at this point, but I still felt it needed more. So, I decided to try to add clouds as I felt this would really help to show how high the bear was as well as add realism. I did not know how to do this and so researched creating clouds in smax on the internet. I found a good tutorial at
I then tried to make a cloud in my scene. To do this I firstly drew out a box gismo in the scene. I made sure it covered the whole of the ground area as I did not want the edge of the cloud to be evident during the animation.
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