Sunday 15 February 2009

Week 3- Morphing Shapes

During this weeks tutorial we learnt how to morph one shape into another. When I watched the demonstration I thought it was a complex procedure and I was not sure if I would be able to complete the task on my own. Despite this I still decided to have a go.

To start I drew out one box and then converted it into an editable poly. After this I cloned the box twice, making each one a copy. I then made alterations to each of the copies by moving the vertexes at either the top or bottom closer together to form a point.

At this point I selected morph from the modify list. I then added each of the edited shapes into separate channels in the channels section. The last step was to add keyframes along the timeline and at these points change the percentage in the morph channels to get the form of the shape to change.

I am really pleased with how quickly I managed to pick up this technique. At the moment I am not sure if I am going to need to use this method to produce my idents, but if I do need to I feel I will be able to do it quite easily. The important thing to remember is that it only works when the number of vertexes are the same.

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