Wednesday 11 February 2009


From my research boards I have now made several decisions about my idents. Initially I decided to have a consistent character and environment throughout, but after some more thoughts I slightly adapted my choices. I am still going to set all of the idents in one environment, for which I have chosen the park as I believe this will be something which the majority of children relate to and would enjoy. However, I was initially going to have one character throughout the animations, but now I am not sure this will be appropriate as I could not think of a character which I could aim at both genders. Instead I am going to include two characters so I can aim them at the majority of the target group, therefore I will now include a robot and teddy bear.

The colours I plan to use will be bright as I believe this will attract the child’s attention as it will appear to be more interesting. Also, as an attempt to make it more exciting I will try to add a slight surreal feeling by including events which a child would not normally experience, for example the characters flying through the air unaided.

I also plan to use a stylised but legible font for the lettering so it is not dull. This style will be consistent throughout the idents.

As the idents will be aimed at children I am going to include actions within the animation as a way to illustrate good behaviour, such as sharing and playing together.

Below are the moodboards I have created using inspiration from my research boards. Under each I will explain what I am trying to show.

In moodboard 1 I am trying to show the excitement which children feel when they are at the park. The ident this moodboard represents will be fun and exciting and based around the play equipment in the park. The characters will be playing together, but it will end in an unusual way as one character flies through the air from one piece of play equipment to another. I am not completely sure of the exact pieces of play equipment I am going to use, but the character could land on the helter skelter and slide to the bottom, with the logo being displayed down the central column.

Above I have incorporated other childhood elements within the park area, in this case a bunch of balloons. To add a more interesting and unusual aspect to this ident I plan to make one character float up with a balloon. Here I focused on the idea of flight and what the world looks like from a bird’s perspective as I believe this may be something which the target group finds exciting. From this point I originally could not decide whether to have the letters of the logo in the air and the character floats up to them or for the character to look down to the ground and for the logo to be visible in the roads and land shapes, but after some thought I decided the character will land on the channel logo in the sky as I am not sure if all the children will spot the logo on the ground.

In this ident I wanted to make it as exciting as possible and so created moodboard 3 around the theme of magic. For the moodboard I tried to create an atmosphere which was slightly eerie as I wanted to suggest the element of surprise which the characters, and hopefully the target group, will feel. This will still be incorporated within a park as this will be where the magic set will be found and where the characters make things change using the magic wand. This will finish with the wand making the CBBC logo appearing in the air at the end of the ident.

From these moodboards I will now go on to produce a storyboard for each ident with details of each step in the animation.

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