Sunday 5 October 2008

Research and Mood Boards

The months which I have chosen include April, June and October. I have chosen these months as they appear at my favourite points in the year due to the weather being quite warm and the changing colours of the seasons. I have researched each month and collected a range of images which relate to them and then created a mood board to show how each month makes me feel.

I picked April as I love the way our part of the world seems to be coming alive, instead of the gloomy months we are leaving behind. When I think of this month I think of new beginnings. The anticipation of the summer makes this time of year seem exciting as many people have holidays and breaks from work to look forward to which generally creates a more positive mood amongst people.
On my research board I have included images of many things which I associate with the month. This includes the animals which are being born and the flowers which are appearing to mark the end of winter. I have also included images of Easter as this quite often falls during the month and is a symbol of new life. I chose to include an image of St George as it is a celebration in April and part of England’s history which is quite often forgotten about. Lastly, I included rain as the amount we get is still quite high in April and links to the saying “March winds, April showers, May flower.” On April’s mood board I tried to create a fresh feel by including images of life and nature. Due to this I tried to base it on the colours blue, green and yellow as I feel they give the fresh feeling I was trying to create. I started with blossom on a tree for the background as it shows how April brings a brighter, prettier environment to be in compared to bare trees in the winter. I chose images with bright colours as they have a positive connotation.

I like this month as I find it to be happy and relaxing, partly due to the weather, but also because other people around me feel good to. I also like the fact that the days are long and the weather is brighter. There is a lot of wildlife about with the sounds they make being quite gentle and calming, and flowers in the gardens make places brighter and therefore more cheerful.
When I think of June I think of three things; sun, holidays and wildlife. Due to this I chose images based mainly on these themes for June’s research board. I also included pictures of father’s day and the changing of the guard as these events also occur in June. For this mood board I tried to create a couple of moods at once. I chose an empty beach to create a relaxing and tranquil feeling of a holiday. I also used an image of a group white water rafting to try to show the fun and excitement people experience during the summer. I chose pictures which were in bright colours as I feel they show how happy and enjoyable the month is. I also wanted to show how many natural elements there are in June and so included pictures of flowers, animals and insects.

I chose to include October as I love the colours which are in the environment as the seasons change from summer to autumn. My favourite colour is red, and so as the leaves change to all the reds, oranges and gold I get a warm feeling inside despite the fact the weather is usually turning cold. For my research board I chose images which I relate to October. Due to this I included lots of pictures of nature, such as leaves changing, conkers and pinecones. I also included images relating to Halloween as this occurs in October every year. I selected images of Diwali to include on this board, even though I do not follow the Sikh religion. I decided to include these images as I felt that their celebration of light adds to the warm feelings I experience. When I created this mood board I wanted to show the happy and vibrant feeling I get during this month. To do this I concentrated on using reds, oranges and browns to create a warm feeling and so used a close up of a tree for the background. I mainly used images of nature as these are the main things I associate with October, and also as the elements of green would contrast the reds and oranges which dominated the image. I have also included an image of a pumpkin as it relates to Halloween, and is orange so keeps within the theme of warmth. As well as this I have used images of Diwali as the light of the festival links well to the oranges and red I have used.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Hi, great choices of months and your boards really fit in with the months. I like how you have got so many different pictures into each image, really gives a feel for the month showing off loads of its aspects. Looking forward to seeing your 3D images!