Tuesday 9 December 2008

Week 11-Finishing Touches to my image for April

Currently I am reasonably happy with the appearance of my image of St George and the Dragon but feel it needs a few changes. From looking at my previous image I found that the lighting was too dark and too much of the subject was in shade. Due to this I moved the target spot light further to the left of the image.

I felt that the background to the scene looked slightly unfinished as the columns stopped randomly in the image. Due to this I increased the height of each of the columns so they reached the top of the image as though they were going up to support the ceiling. However, when I did this the size of the material maps on the columns also increased. I did feel that the blocks were slightly to large even before I did this as they were roughly the height of St George and so I reduced the size of the maps in the material editor.

At this point I was very pleased with the appearance of the columns, however I did feel the columns and flooring no longer worked together as they were no longer in proportion with one another. To solve this problem I then reduced the size of the material map I had used on this surface until I was happy with the size in relation to the rest of the image. At this point I was please with the background and so decided to go onto another part of the image.

When I re-looked at the zoomed out version of the image I was quite disappointed that the chainmail on George’s body was not visible as I worked hard on this. I edited the size of the material map to make the loops of the chainmail slightly larger but was careful not to make it too large in comparison to the rest of the armour.

The last step I felt was needed to complete the dragon was to add light to the flame coming out of the dragons mouth. For this I used an omni light with a rich orange colour of light and set the intensity to 0.5. I chose to use a slightly different colour for this flame than the torches in the background as I wanted to show this was a stronger and more intense flame. I was quite pleased with how this worked, especially how the light reflected on George’s helmet.

I am really pleased with the outcome of this image. I was able to create the atmosphere I wanted quite easily using some of the features of the software, such as the sphere gizmo to create the flame and the lighting affects. I am very happy with the appearance of the dragon, especially the shape and fierce look he has. I did have some problems completing this image, mainly when I tried to add some realistic materials, but feel I have overcome this with time.

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